Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Cancer Linked to Obesity for Women

That's right, ladies.  We have it tough.  If we get fat, we increase our chance of having cancer.

The obesity epidemic is taking its toll.

Women 'twice as likely to have cancer linked to their weight' - Daily Mail

I've known so many obese women who have gallbladder problems and gallbladder cancer.  I also know many obese women with ovarian related cancers.

If you're obese and you don't think you can lose weight, stop it.  Stop making excuses.  If you don't have a permanent health problem of edema or something else and your problem seems to be one of poor eating habits caused over decades, change is possible.  So is weight loss.

This woman who was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes lost 66 pounds from April to November. She didn't think she would ever be thin again and here she is 66 pounds lighter!  Read her entire blog. Learn from it.  She shares everything she's learned for free. She also shares her meals. She tells you exactly what she eats in detail with the calorie count.  Don't wine about counting calories. There's a free program to help you and it's easy.

So, the next time you stumble off of your healthy routine and diet, re-read her blog.  Weight loss is possible if you really want it.  If you don't want to lose weight, you may end up with cancer.  Do you really want to take the chance?  Every day you wait could mean... a diagnosis you don't want.

My sister was obese.  She was diagnosed with stage four cancer.  She died at the young age of 49.  My sister's hope for everyone who is obese would be for you to change bad eating habits immediately.   Change is right around the corner for anyone who wants it badly enough.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for mentioning my blog! You're 100% right, too. If I can lose it, anyone can, I think. So go for it! Lose the weight now. You'll thank yourself later when you're buying new clothes that fit, right off the 'normal' rack. LOL!
