Monday, October 20, 2014

Beware of Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain can mean many different things.  But you have to take your health into your own hands and be proactive about getting follow-up care until you get answers.

Young mother died after NHS doctors failed to spot her cervical cancer more than 50 times and sent her home - Daily Mail

My sister also suffered from lower back pain for a long time.  She went to her gynecologist and talked about her lower back pain.  Instead of further testing, she was sent to her general practitioner.  That doctor sent her to a chiropractor.  Her trips to the chiropractor didn't ease her pain.  She would call me asking what she could do for her ongoing struggles for the constant lower back pain.  I told her to get some pain patches.  I'm no doctor.

Doctors repeatedly missed her symptoms of cancer.  By the time they found the cancer, it had progressed so much she was given six months to two years to live.  She lived two years from the time of her original diagnosis.

We had another friend who also suffered from lower back pain for years.  He, too, was sent repeatedly to the chiropractor.  By the time they discovered he had liver cancer, it was too late. From the time of diagnosis to death, it was only a few weeks time leaving behind his wife and young children.

If you have lower back pain that seems untreatable, get another opinion or get a private scan.  This woman finally paid for a private scan, which discovered it was cancer that had spread.  Those delays in diagnosis cost her her life.

A diagnosis is really simply an educated guess.  Yes, doctors are guessing about our health. Sometimes they're right, sometimes they're wrong.  We have to keep pursuing diagnosis and treatment or a delay could also cost us our life.

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