Saturday, December 20, 2014

Weigh Yourself Every Day To Lose Weight?

Weighing yourself every day can help you lose weight.

The study also advises us to weigh in on Wednesday if we're only going to weigh-in once a week.

Of course, there is advice from high-profile trainers only to weigh yourself once a week.

Here's the only thing I know.  If you stop weighing yourself, it's a slippery slope of weight gain. Clothes stretch and don't tell the whole story about what you weigh or your BMI.  The only way to calculate your BMI is to weigh in.

Step on the scale for a true assessment on your weight.

Certainly don't trust your fair weather friends who won't tell you the truth.  We all know those people who always say, "You look great."  And then they tempt us to eat their French fries and onion rings.  Secretly there are some people who want us to be fat.

Trust people who truly care about you.  It might hurt to hear that you look like you're gaining weight, but those who truly love you the most are also the people who are honestly concerned about your health.

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely correct. I weigh every day to keep myself honest. If I know I'm not weighing in for a week, I'll definitely slide. Yes, the weight does fluctuate, but not by much from day to day.
