Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Stress & Weight Gain - It's REAL!

Maybe people who live in Hawaii have it all figured out... or at least the stress part.

Living in Hawaii is relaxing.  It's a tourist area.  People are relaxed. They visit the beach because they're surrounded by it.  They listen to the peaceful sounds of the waves and with each wave that washes ashore, a cleansing seems to occur.  It feels good even visiting Hawaii, getting away and feeling stress free.

There's an article entitled:  Stress Can Lead Women to Gain 11 Pounds Per Year.

I posted a discussion point at the bottom of the article because it is so true that stress affects weight loss and health.  I believe a lot of stress leads to obesity due to financial crisis, family crisis, or personal crisis.  That all leads toward a health crisis.

We have to start by clearing the decks of toxic people in our life.  We all have them and some can't be avoided due to familial obligations or work connections.  However, we can limit those relationships and create healthy boundaries.  A famous author once told me "Until you create boundaries, the weight is not going to come off."  She was right.  I was stuck.

By using steps, I rebuilt my life, lost the weight and feel so great about living and life.  I am at my happiest today.  It takes work, but there's no reason to settle for feeling uncomfortable in your own skin.

I see so many obese people using scooters to get around in public these days whether at amusement parks, the mall or the grocery store, it's shocking.  When I was growing up, I never saw that.  Now, it's commonplace.  My son, who is 20, says he feels sorry for people who are obese and using scooters because they're disabled.  Is it disability or is it a choice?  I think it's different for every person because some personal unhealthy choices lead toward morbid obesity and disability.  So, in a way he's right.

I talked to a friend the other day and he told me he had settled on dying.  This is not the first time I've heard this from someone who has hit rock bottom.  I've heard it from many people.  And I had to be honest with him - none of us knows when our time is coming but if you settle on dying and accept death by giving up, you will fulfill your own prophecy.

Believe in life, settle on living a health life, embrace change, get moving with small steps, and be healthy with everything you do.  There is greater reward than to invest time in yourself!  Start today!

1 comment:

  1. I live stress right now and it IS tough! But stay on track and your efforts will be rewarded. :)
