Friday, July 4, 2014

Spinning at the Gym for the 4th of July!

Happy 4th of July!

For the last few days, I've mixed up my workout.

I started taking Spin classes on the stationary bicycle again.  It's so much fun and you feel as though you've accomplished more than a regular workout on the machines.  The classes are free with membership at my gym, so why not?

When you hit a rut and a routine of doing the same workout day after day, your body knows and gets used to it.  Mixing it up helps to redesign the look of your body.  Most women want that lean look and I believe in having strong, slim legs.  Spinning is good for strength building and being fit.

For two days, I took the normal Spin Class.  Years ago, I went to Spin Class several times a week.  I invested in clip-on Spin Shoes and a gel seat, for obvious reasons.  Those bike seats tend to get women...there.  It can be painful, ouch!  I can't find my old Spin Shoes or gel seat, so I'm doing what most people do in the class, suffer through without the special shoes or gel seat, and still enjoy the sweat of a cardiovascular workout.

Today, I took RPM Cycle Class.  It's a little more intense but with similar benefits to the standard Spin Class.  I feel it in my legs more this evening, but I also took a walk before the fireworks.

Here's to trying a new exercise as we redesign our bodies and our lives, one building block at a time.   If you set a one year goal today, by next July 4th, you will reach your goals.

Happy 4th and happy birthday to all those July birthdays!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on the spinning class! That would make my head spin, but some day, I'd love to try it!
