Friday, June 13, 2014

I Love the Reddit Generation - Nice Kids

So, the average Reddit user is male and between the ages of 25 - 34.

My sons are 19 and 20, slightly under the average.  Their friends are around the same age.  They're all League of Legends video gamers and readers of Reddit.  It's a new generation of video gamers. They play on video games while talking on Skype.  If they're not at our house, this is how I communicate with my sons' friends through Skype.

I love my sons' friends.  They're all good kids.  Most of them have gone on to attend community colleges, universities or trade schools.  Most of them also have part-time jobs and are earning money.

When my sons were out-of-state at college, my sons' friend, Meng, brought me flowers on Mother's Day.  See the picture to the left.  It was one of the nicest things anyone has ever done for me.

I was alone on Mother's Day without my kids, until Meng brought flowers to the house.  My boys have wings and they're flying close to free now... but I'm not really alone when there are thoughtful people in the world.

My husband has always said on Mother's Day, "You're not my mother."  So, as a result, I've gotten no kind wishes from him on Mother's Day.  If you read No Sweatpants Diet, you realize that's just the way it is for me.  And probably the way it is for many married moms.

Today, I got another unexpected surprise.  My sons' friend, Anthony, brought me a blackberry bush.  It already has berries on it.  Very exciting!

Thank you to Meng and Anthony!  And thank you to my sons' friends for being so kind to our family.

My sons have chosen their friends carefully.  They're kind and good people who will be great contributors to this world.  Whether they're gaming, reading Reddit, working in the community or at school, they're making this world a better place.  My sons' friends can talk to me about anything and they even surprise me sometimes.

It only takes a thoughtful moment to be kind.

These gifts remind me there are good people everywhere!

Time to pay it forward...

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