Monday, June 2, 2014

Chocolate Chips as a Treat!

My sons are home from college and they both missed baking.  So, my youngest son wanted some chocolate chips to make chocolate chip cookies when his friends visited the house.  He chose chocolate chips from Costco.  The recipe is on the back of the bag along with all of the calories and nutritional details for the chocolate chips.  My son has already made two batches of chocolate chip cookies.

With the boys away at college for most of the last year, it's been easier for me to watch what I'm eating.  I simply haven't had a lot of extra food around anymore... but that's changed for the summer.  Will power has kicked in again.  It's challenging to stay away from the cookies, but I've found a way to beat the calling of the cookies and yet enjoy a once-in-a-while treat.

By not eating the cookies and having 30 pieces of chocolate chips for 70 calories, I feel more than satisfied.  By eating only one serving size of chocolate chips, I've fulfilled my sweet need without the extra calories of the ingredients of the baked cookies.  My sons and their friends eat cookies but they also eat other proteins, vegetables, and fruit.

I look at the nutrition label on everything now.

I look at the serving size of a portion.

I look at calories.

And I write down all of the calories or log it into my free account on   It's that easy.

I also exercise by going to the gym, bicycling, swimming, or jogging.  I am moving and lifting things every day as much as possible.

The chocolate chip treat is only once in a while.  I don't have it every day, but it's nice to know I'm not depriving myself of anything.  Deprivation leads to binge eating.  No more binge eating.  No more headaches.  Sip, don't chug in life.  Instead, enjoy a daily glass of moderation with me! Moderation feels fantastic!

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