Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Disturbing Picture of the Day

This is the most disturbing photo you will see all day.

Warning:  It's a still photo of a mother about to shoot her son to death at a shooting range with a rented gun.  They do not show the actual shooting - it's only a still photo, but disturbing just the same.

Many People Are Killing With Rented Guns at Shooting Ranges

I once took my oldest son to a shooting range.  We were walking around Honolulu, Hawaii and someone handed us a discount coupon for going to the shooting range.

At the time, my husband had run off with another woman and my son was making a new start at the University, far away from the drama back home.  For some reason, I thought of the movie "American Beauty" and the scene when actress Annette Bening's character goes to the firing range and fires a gun for the first time.  Her marriage, too, had fallen apart.  Shooting a gun seemed to energize her.

So, my son and I talked about it and decided we had nothing better to do and it was cheap, so why not?

My son was not 21, so I had to sign a waiver, and minutes later, we were shooting guns for the first time... and the last.  It wasn't our thing.  The guns had kickback and it wasn't fun.  I missed the target sheet most of the time...but once I shot the target in the head.  It seemed harsh to me.

I had never liked guns.  I grew up around hunters in Pennsylvania, but I was an animal rescuer not a hunter.  I don't know a lot of people who go to shooting ranges, but I do know some and they're very safe with guns.  But it's such an easy process to shoot a gun at a shooting range.  Honestly, I think it's a little too easy.  You walk in, sign some forms, and a minute later, you have a gun with live ammunition in your hand.  Doesn't that seem a little too easy?  No background check, nothing.

It was apparently a little too easy for this mother and son in the photo, too... very sad outcome.

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