Thursday, June 25, 2015

Roaming Hunger: Genius Idea To Find Food Trucks

If I had the time, I would do a food tour of food trucks all over this country.

This picture to the left is of The Mighty Boba Food Truck in Los Angeles.  

Roaming Hunger provides information and locations on food trucks all over the country.  The website does the work for you to check your options.

What an incredibly smart idea to create Roaming Hunger.

More businesses and individuals are hiring food trucks to provide food for special events.  Music events, theatrical screenings, birthday parties, funeral receptions or a family reunion, Roaming Hunger will help you do the legwork.

The reason I find this so intriguing is because the best chicken sandwich I've ever eaten was from a food truck on the 20th Century Fox Studio Lot... they were ahead of their time by providing a food truck for employees on the studio lot.

If I needed to organize an event today, I would put a food truck at the top of the list.  It's easy, accessible, and there's no clean up for catering.  Your guests simply go to the food truck and choose the food they want.  I recently attended a funeral reception... with a food truck providing the food.

Can you imagine offering your guests a food truck filled with sushi?  That's a fun idea.

I wish I had a sweet budget to throw a fun, healthy party... I would put a food truck at the top of my catering list.  Look at their client list... if a food truck is good enough for Google, Facebook, Apple, Tesla, Toyota, Fox, American Express and Ted, among others... it's good enough for me!

Now, I just need $ and an event...

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