Thursday, June 4, 2015

Want to Lose Weight: Get Out of the House

So, you're obese or morbidly obese?

You're a stay-at-home mom or you only work part-time on your computer in your home office?

You snack throughout the day?  In fact, you're so tired, you snack just to stay awake?

You treat yourself with high-calorie snacks because you're depressed?

There's the problem right there.

Get out of the house.

Get a job.

Even a part-time job where you must leave your home office.

Or volunteer outside of your home so you step outside your front door to gain some perspective on your eating habits.

It's possible to lose weight and stay at home most of the time, but it's more challenging because of the habits you've created.

Leave the house and you garner a perspective of three meals a day instead of one long grazing period that adds up in calories.

"Oh, I only eat celery in between meals when I'm at home.  I have no idea why I'm morbidly obese."  That is complete BS.  What about that tub of chocolate cream cheese you've been tasting all day long?

If you're sedentary and not moving your body or have no motivation to be productive, then your metabolism will slow down.  Fact.

If you have a purpose or a job to go to outside of the home, the weight will fall off as you'll be more aware of what you're putting into your mouth when you have witnesses around you.  And you'll be limited on when you can eat.

It's all about perspective.  Look at your job or volunteer work as though you're going to Fat Camp to lose weight.  I'm not kidding. Working outside of the home is Fat Camp.  You might not be able to eat for six hours straight until you get a break.  You work in close quarters and no one else is eating. You've been ordered not to leave the worksite for lunch, so you have to bring your own small lunch that will fit into the packed refrigerator.  So, your eating choices are limited.  And all of these things are appetite killers.  Even if you have a water bottle on your desk, it's a big deal because no one else is sipping water.  They're all working or scanning their computer screens.

Honestly, I have no idea how someone stays morbidly obese or gains a bunch of weight if they have a job of 40, 50, or 60 hours a week... unless they're a closet eater who is famished in the evenings and binges all night long after work.  No witnesses means crisis time for the morbidly obese.

Bottom line:  If you want to lose weight, get out of the house.  Change is possible but you really have to stir your schedule to gain perspective on your eating habits.  Everyone doesn't need six to eight meals a day or a schedule of grazing on food.  You just need to keep your calorie count tight and your movement consistent.  With this approach, everything is possible... even weight loss.

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