Sunday, June 14, 2015

Placating Public for GMO-Free Approach?

If you read the latest blog article from the New York Times, you will read about a sense of placating the public for a GMO-free offering of food products and restaurant food.

Give me a break.

Why isn't the public entitled to choose a GMO-free product rather than a GMO-laden product? Give the public a choice, that's all anyone is asking of the manufacturers and restauranteurs.

Why not trust all of the scientists who tell us that GMOs are fine and healthy?  Please.  Collusion. It exists in every industry.  There are conflicts of interest that may only come to light years or decades later.  It comes down to the question of influence along with personal or corporate profit.

Would anyone lie to the public?  You bet they would and it's been proven time and time again.

The only person who cares the most about your health is you.  So, you need to be proactive and choice-driven rather than a follower plucking items off of the food shelf at any grocery store. There's nothing wrong with the message to be selective in every purchase and food eaten.

If I had known about all of the GMOs in food products, I wouldn't have given them to my children from the time they were tiny tots.  We were assured the big food manufacturers were making healthy products.  Now, we find out the ingredients are not as healthy as we once thought.

When I was a child, I didn't hear about the multitude of diseases that are commonplace in the world today.  There are more kinds of complicated cancers and diseases than ever before.

During my childhood, we didn't have to worry about such things as the potentially deadly MRSA infection that stays alive on contaminated objects.

Why do you think people are dying of new deadly diseases?  In my eyes, it most likely has something to do with today's diet, food products and a multitude of preservatives that are hidden in processed foods and drinks.

Then, what about fruits and vegetables grown in gardens and farms?  No one knows what weedkiller products have been used on those fruits and vegetables.

France banned the sale of Round Up.  It is a pesticide used to kill weeds.  My aunt and uncle both used Round Up regularly on their vegetable garden.  They both died from pancreatic cancer. Coincidence?

What company would ever admit that their product was toxic?

It's becoming more difficult for me to believe any official anymore because so many of our leaders have lied.  If our top leaders are lying, it seems more acceptable for leaders of food manufacturing companies to lie.  And if they lie, it's more acceptable for their employees to lie. Ultimately, it's trickling down until everyone is lying about something to someone and the family unit is falling apart.

Anything can be twisted into fact if it's stated with a certain word order.  Working with the truth is far more challenging.  "How can we say this in a way to get them to buy what we're saying?" People are paid a fortune for copywriting.  There's an art to it.  And it takes serious talent.

So, the bottom line is this:  buy certified organic or GMO-free labeled products if you choose to do so.  As long as we have freedom of choice in the purchasing of products, it is your choice. Exercise your choice.

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