Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Bright Red Hibiscus Tea... Lowers Blood Pressure?

The bright red Hibiscus Tea from Tender Greens is refreshing.

Then, I heard this great news from Tufts University that Hibiscus Tea lowers blood pressure for people with Type 2 Diabetes or mild hypertension.

Fascinating news, right?

So, I took to my kitchen and decided to make my own Hibiscus Tea.

I had bought a bag of dried Hibiscus flowers a while back because I wanted to make this tea.  Honestly, it looked like a bag of potpourri when I got it home so I never made it.  But when you find out about the benefits of drinking Hibiscus Tea, you must try it.

My recipe is no big deal and it's super easy.

Basically, I took the bag of dried Hibiscus flowers...

I boiled the Hibiscus flowers in a pot of water with 1/2 cup of sugar...

After straining it, I ended up with this concentrated pitcher of Hibiscus Tea.  Pour the tea over ice and it ends up looking exactly like the glass of Hibiscus Tea from Tender Greens.

Be careful, though.  Even though Hibiscus Tea supposedly doesn't have any caffeine, I drank two glasses of this tea before bedtime last night.  As a result, I was awake until 4 AM.  My advice - drink the tea mid-day instead of before bedtime.  A good night's sleep is always better than insomnia. Cheers!

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